Birds Connect Our World
The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) and Environment for the Americas (EFTA) have joined forces to
strengthen global recognition and appreciation of migratory birds. This year the theme of World Migratory Bird Day is “Birds Connect Our World” and was chosen to highlight the importance of conserving and restoring the ecological connectivity and integrity of ecosystems that support the natural movements of migratoy birds and that are essential for their survival and well-being.
Ecological Connectivity and its importance
Connectivity is essential for migratory species, and important for a wide variety of
ecological functions. It describes the natural and necessary movement of species and the flow of natural processes that sustain life on Earth. With 1 million species facing the risk of extinction within our generation, connectivity has become a central topic for
biodiversity and sustainability. Migratory species move across the globe, running,
swimming, or in the case of birds flying, connecting countries, people and continents
through their migration routes. This migration can only be accomplished when animals
are able to access the different sites and habitats that they rely upon along their pathways.
These pathways transcend national borders, national plans and conservation priorities of any single country. Migratory birds connect countries and their conservation requires
cooperation between countries and across national boundaries.
Connectivity and Birds
The flyways used by migratory birds connect different habitats. Often, these long-haul
flight paths cross inhospitable terrain, such as deserts and open seas. Suitable habitats for wintering, as stop-over,staging and breeding sites are crucial for the survival of these
birds. The ecological connectivity of these sites is important to the survival of migratory
birds, but this it is being threatened by habitat loss and degradation. The loss or
degradation of a critical stop-over site for migratory birds can have a devastating effect
on the survival chances of migratory birds and lead to a defragmentation that can have a devastating effect on populations. Other threats, such as poisoning, unsustainable use, collisions with man-made objects and climate change are also having a negative impact on migratory birds around the world.