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Mummies, embalming equipment discovered south of Pyramid of Unas in Egypt’s Saqqara

Posted on Jul, 11, 2018
Contributed to WCHV by Danielle

The Ministry of Antiquities is set to announce the discovery of a number of mummies and embalming equipment at the Saqqara necropolis on Saturday.
The ministry told Ahram Online that the discovery includes a collection of inscribed mummification vessel measuring cups.
A communal burial shaft was also discovered where a large number of mummies were buried.
The mummies were buried in both wooden coffins and large sarcophagi, and amulets, gemstones and precious metal objects were found.
A golden mask that was discovered will be displayed along with other objects during a press conference held by the ministry on Saturday.
The discovery was made in collaboration with a German archaeological mission, close to the Pyramid of Unas.

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