It is widely believed by the experts and activists that the decisions and actions made by the Iranian government over the last three decades and especially the last eight years have greatly damaged the conditions of the Iranian forests and have put them in danger of destruction.
These actions include the followings:
– Iranian government has allowed exploration for oil in the Kavir Desert National Park which is a protected National Park and is believed to be the original habitat for the Persian Cheetah.
– The government has allowed building roads through Cloud Forest. Cloud Forest is one of the most unique forests in Iran. In the last three decades, deforestation has destroyed the soil in the Iranian forests and created drought.
– The government has allowed the extraction and exploitation of mines in environmentally protected areas with major and distinct wildlife. This has happened in many cases while the while the individual or people are not under the law entitled or allowed to start a mine.
– The government has allowed building houses and apartment complexes in many areas of forests that should have been protected.
These decisions have resulted in the gradual destruction of forests, and extinction of animals and plant species in many areas in Iran.