Jean Perrot, an internationally well known French archeologist was born in 1920. He studied archeology at the Ecole du Louvre where he specialized in Syrian archaeology. In 1945, he entered École biblique et archéologique française in Jerusalem to continue his studies during which time he researched ancient sites in Iran, Israel and Turkey. Perrot went to Iran for the first time in 1968 and took over as the director of the Delegation Archéologique Français (DAFI) while researching and studying ancient Iranian Sites in collaboration with the Iranian Center of Archaeological Research, and experts from France and the United States. His most significant and well known work was in Susa (Shush) and Jafar Abad and one of his notable discoveries is the headless statue of Darius which is now housed in the National Museum of Iran in Tehran. He continued his work until the Iranian revolution in 1979. While in Iran he was also a professor at the Sorbonne, Paris and a researcher at the CNRS, France. The most recent work that Perrot has done, titled, Darius’ Palace in Susa, (Le palais de Darius à Susa) was published in 2010. Jean Perrot was married to an Iranian woman and passed away on December 25th, 2012.